Hi everyone, I’m Tabitha. If you’ve been following along, you know that I’m currently in a long-term relationship. I’ve been with my boyfriend for almost six years. We’ve been through high school, college, and now that graduation is in the near future, discussions of engagement rings and wedding plans have become more and more common. We can’t wait for this next chapter in our relationship but it didn’t come without any effort. Here are a few tips on what we’ve found has
worked for us over the years:
The number one key to any relationship is to COMMUNICATE. Your partner cannot read your mind and without communication, misinterpretation of feelings and actions can stumble in and wreck everything. Listen to your partner and be prepared to communicate in a mature way to express your feelings.
Being their best friend. Romance is important but being able to sit with someone and talk about anything or laugh until your belly hurts is what will keep you happy in a long-term time frame. You don’t want someone that you only have passion for and no genuine friendship.
However, keeping the romance alive is always necessary. Never stop dating your partner. Being with someone for so long can cause your relationship to spiral into a routine with no excitement. Don’t ever stop setting aside time for fun date nights and showing your partner you care.
Beside communication, friendship, and romance, effort is the key to making a relationship last. A relationship, at times, can be hard. Now, if it’s showing to be TOO hard, it’s probably the wrong one for you. But, in any relationship you will face challenges, disagreements, arguments, etc. you and your partner have to be willing to put the work in to always come out the other side stronger. Never forget the love you share for one another and how that’s more important than any silly fight you may have.
Long-term relationships can be difficult if you let them be. However, finding someone who you know you’d never be able to live without makes everything so worth it. In my experience, the stigma behind settling down with someone is way overpowered by knowing that someone is always on your team, always going to be there for you, and will love you unconditionally.
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